CARL: Caster/Coaching Assistant/Analysis tool for Rocket League
Analyse your Rocket League game in real time with our FREE tool CARL. Useful for every Coach and Caster who wants to take his understanding of the game to the next level. CARL contains advanced and in depth statistics for both individual players as well as the whole team, tabletop view Minimap with lots of customizations. Super easy to install and use and totally FREE! Join the discord to learn more: https://discord.gg/HqPE6nPKkS
Easy to use
CARL is free to download and super easy to use. One click you can install it today for FREE: Join the discord
In depth analysis
Real time in depth data analysis to improve your casting and coaching. Easy to customize so you only see the data you want to see.
View advanced data
Player speed, boost amount, air time, ball touches, boost usage, time in offense, time in defense.
Team boost, speed, boost consumption, ball possession, field domination.
Tabletop view of the game
Quickly see who's supersonic, who's using a lot of boost. Where everyone is on the field. Where the boost is located, what path a player has taken to the ball, ...